This article presents a nice way how to save some user-defined input on server and make browser wait for it before proceeding with navigation. This will be shown in a context of my use case that consists in a Cocoon Java application that allows exporting page in PDF format. Exported page is being generated by a specific Java Servlet as soon as the client browser redirects to the corresponding URL. Now assume that the end user wants to set a custom title for the exported page. Thus, we need some kind of interruption when the user clicks on the 'Export' link. It'll be implemented using nice YUI3-based Transaction utility and YUI3 Panel shown below:
Initialize YUI3
To get started with YUI3, you should perform two steps:
- Load the YUI javascript file on your web page.
- Create and configure a new YUI instance.
YUI().use('io', 'panel', function(yui3) { // Panel code will be here }
Initialize Panel
First let's add html stub for YUI3 panel:
<div id="input-params-container"> <div class="yui3-widget-bd"> <table><tbody><tr> <td><label for="export_title">Title</label></td> <td><input type="text" name="export_title" id="export_title"/></td> </tr></tbody></table> </div> </div>
Second let's initialize YUI3 Panel instance (check official documentation example for panel constructor parameters and this article about transaction utility). See inline comments for details.
panel = new yui3.Panel({ srcNode: '#input-params-container', headerContent: 'Input export title', width: 250, zIndex: 5, centered: true, modal: true, render: true, visible: false }); panel.addButton({ value: 'OK', section: yui3.WidgetStdMod.FOOTER, action: function (e) { // Loading user input of export title var title ="#export_title").get("value"); // Sending a transaction using YUI3 io var uri = "setExportParameters.xml?title=" + title; new Transaction({"uri": uri, "sync": true}).execute(); // Closing modal panel this.hide(); // Redirecting browser to export servlet URL // (that is saved in event handler - see below) window.location.href = this.get("exportLinkHrefValue"); } });
Register event handler functions
Here is the html code snippet of linking image that redirects browser to the export servlet. I added exportLinks id attribute to locate this node from within javascript later as we would like to block redirection until our server transaction is completed.
<span id="exportLinks" style="float: right;"> <a title="Export to PDF" href="{$contextPath}/export?type=pdf"> <img style="border: none;" src="resource/external/icons/mimetypes/pdf_16.png" /> </a> </span>
This is a click event handler that substitutes default link navigation and show our panel instead. Check official documentation about preventDefault function. See inline comments for details.
yui3.on("click", function (e) { // Disabling redirection e.preventDefault(); // Saving export servlet URL in panel instance for later usage // (we'll do manual redirection instead - see above) panel.set("exportLinkHrefValue",'parentNode').get('href')); // Showing the panel to user; }, "#exportLinks img");
Implement Cocoon pipeline and flowscript for transaction
Finally we need to add server-side code. The following Cocoon pipeline will process a transaction call when the end used presses 'OK' button in the modal panel.
<map:match pattern="setExportParameters.xml"> <map:call function="setExportParameters"/> </map:match>
Actually the pipeline simply redirects call to a flowscript function. See the official Cocoon documentation about sitemap and flowscript for more details.
// Saves export parameters in ExportDataSource Spring bean function setExportParameters() { var exportDataSource = cocoon.getComponent("exportDataSource"); exportDataSource.setTitle(cocoon.request.getParameter("title")); cocoon.sendStatus(200); }
That's it! YUI version used is 3.4.1. You may also want to review this article about DynamicReports and Cocoon integration as it's closely related and based on the same Cocoon application.
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