This is one more tutorial on how to exploit DynamicReports reporting library in an existing web application. This time the application is based on Cocoon 2.2 framework. This post is a continuation to the previous posts: Choosing Java reporting tool - part 2 and DynamicReports and Spring MVC integration . The complete code won't be provided here but only the essential code snippets together with usage remarks. First of all I'm writing the plan of this how to: Description of existing application data flow. Adding project dependencies. Implementing export servlet. Implementing XSLT extension for the export data source. Implementing XSLT for postprocessing. Modifying JX template. Modifying Cocoon sitemap. Description of existing application data flow Cocoon framework organizes data flow using the concept of pipelines. For details please refer to Cocoon documentation . My application uses the following component sequence in a pipeline: Standard JX template gener