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Showing posts from November, 2011

DynamicReports and Cocoon integration

This is one more tutorial on how to exploit DynamicReports reporting library in an existing web application. This time the application is based on  Cocoon 2.2 framework. This post is a continuation to the previous posts: Choosing Java reporting tool - part 2 and DynamicReports and Spring MVC integration . The complete code won't be provided here but only the essential code snippets together with usage remarks. First of all I'm writing the plan of this how to: Description of existing application data flow. Adding project dependencies. Implementing export servlet. Implementing XSLT extension for the export data source. Implementing XSLT for postprocessing. Modifying JX template. Modifying Cocoon sitemap. Description of existing application data flow Cocoon framework organizes data flow using the concept of pipelines. For details please refer to Cocoon documentation . My application uses the following component sequence in a pipeline: Standard JX template gener

DynamicReports and Spring MVC integration

This is a tutorial on how to exploit DynamicReports reporting library in an existing  Spring MVC based web application. It's a continuation to the previous post where DynamicReports has been chosen as the most appropriate solution to implement an export feature in a web application (for my specific use case). The complete code won't be provided here but only the essential code snippets together with usage remarks. Also I've widely used this tutorial that describes a similar problem for an alternative reporting library. So let's turn to the implementation description and start with a short plan of this how-to: Adding project dependencies. Implementing the Controller part of the MVC pattern. Modifying the View part of the MVC pattern. Modifying web.xml. Adding project dependencies I used to apply Maven Project Builder throughout my Java applications, thus the dependencies will be provided in the Maven format. Maven project pom.xml file: net.sourcefo

Choosing Java reporting tool - part 2

I've provided a general overview of possible solutions to get a reporting/exporting functionality in the previous post . This is the second overview of alternatives based on JasperReports reporting engine. Since the previous part I've done the following: Implemented a simple report using both DynamicJasper and DynamicReports to compare them from technical side. Investigated JasperServer features and tried to implement a simple report for JasperServer instance (it appeared we already have a ready licensed installation of JasperServer that makes it unreasonable to install a fresh one). First, the comparison results of Java libraries (DynamicJasper and DynamicReports): Both libraries suffer from poor-quality or missing Java docs but they look a bit better in DynamicJasper. Taking into account the point 1, a developer has to use online documentation and to review the code. Here the code looks definitely nicer and more readable for DynamicRepo