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Using Oracle impdp utility to reload database

Here I'll show an example of using Oracle Data Pump Import (impdp) utility. It allows importing Oracle data dumps. Specifically, below is the list of steps I used on an existing Oracle schema to reload the data from a dump. Steps to reload the data from an Oracle dump We start with logging into SQL Plus as sysdba to be able to manage users. sqlplus sys/password@test as sysdba Dropping the existing user. CASCADE clause will ensure that all schema objects are removed before the user. SQL> DROP USER test CASCADE; Creating a fresh user will automatically create an empty schema with the same name. SQL> CREATE USER test IDENTIFIED BY "testpassword"; Granting DBA role to the user to load the dump later. Actually, it's an overkill and loading the dump can be permitted using a more granular role IMP_FULL_DATABASE . SQL> GRANT DBA TO test; Registering the directory where the dump is located. SQL> CREATE DIRECTORY dump_dir AS '/home/test/dumpd