This is a short "recipe" article explaining how to configure remote ElasticSearch instance to support CORS requests and basic authentication using Apache HTTP Server 2.4. Proxy To start with, we need to configure Apache to proxy requests to the Elasticsearch instance. By default, Elasticsearch is running on the port 9200: ProxyPass /elastic http://localhost:9200/ ProxyPassReverse /elastic http://localhost:9200/ Basic authentication Enabling basic authentication is easy. By default, Apache checks the user credentials against the local file which you can create using the following command: /path/to/htpasswd -c /usr/local/apache/password/.htpasswd_elasticsearch elasticsearchuser Then you'll need to use the following directives to allow only authenticated users to access your content: AuthType Basic AuthName "Elastic Server" AuthUserFile /usr/local/apache/password/.htpasswd_elasticsearch Require valid-user For more complex setups such as LDAP-based...