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Showing posts from April, 2012

Using YUI3 Panel to send server transaction request from client-side

This article presents a nice way how to save some user-defined input on server and make browser wait for it before proceeding with navigation. This will be shown in a context of my use case that consists in a Cocoon Java application that allows exporting page in PDF format. Exported page is being generated by a specific Java Servlet as soon as the client browser redirects to the corresponding URL. Now assume that the end user wants to set a custom title for the exported page. Thus, we need some kind of interruption when the user clicks on the 'Export' link. It'll be implemented using nice  YUI3-based Transaction utility  and YUI3 Panel shown below: Initialize YUI3 To get started with YUI3, you should perform two steps: Load the YUI javascript file on your web page. Create and configure a new YUI instance. Please refer to this manual for code snippets. The only difference is that we'll use two modules: io and panel . Module io is required for transaction ...