Here I'll show an example of using Oracle Data Pump Import (impdp) utility. It allows importing Oracle data dumps. Specifically, below is the list of steps I used on an existing Oracle schema to reload the data from a dump. Steps to reload the data from an Oracle dump We start with logging into SQL Plus as sysdba to be able to manage users. sqlplus sys/password@test as sysdba Dropping the existing user. CASCADE clause will ensure that all schema objects are removed before the user. SQL> DROP USER test CASCADE; Creating a fresh user will automatically create an empty schema with the same name. SQL> CREATE USER test IDENTIFIED BY "testpassword"; Granting DBA role to the user to load the dump later. Actually, it's an overkill and loading the dump can be permitted using a more granular role IMP_FULL_DATABASE . SQL> GRANT DBA TO test; Registering the directory where the dump is located. SQL> CREATE DIRECTORY dump_dir AS '/home/test/dumpd