I've provided a general overview of possible solutions to get a reporting/exporting functionality in the previous post . This is the second overview of alternatives based on JasperReports reporting engine. Since the previous part I've done the following: Implemented a simple report using both DynamicJasper and DynamicReports to compare them from technical side. Investigated JasperServer features and tried to implement a simple report for JasperServer instance (it appeared we already have a ready licensed installation of JasperServer that makes it unreasonable to install a fresh one). First, the comparison results of Java libraries (DynamicJasper and DynamicReports): Both libraries suffer from poor-quality or missing Java docs but they look a bit better in DynamicJasper. Taking into account the point 1, a developer has to use online documentation and to review the code. Here the code looks definitely nicer and more readable for DynamicRepo...