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Showing posts from May, 2014

Sedna XML DB and RelWithDebugInfo mode

Once we had a severe issue with Sedna hanging regularly. It was caused by broken indexes after an upgrade at that moment. The issue caused quite a nightmare and led to a lot of time wasted until we solved it together with Sedna devs. Since that moment it has become very important to be able to look into what is happening inside Sedna at any particular moment. Fortunately, there is a suitable way although it's not documented properly on the Sedna website. All you need is to build Sedna from source with a special flag RelWithDebugInfo . Cmake build modes. Using gdb. Using netstat. Cmake build modes Cmake has several build modes with Release and Debug obviously among them. Another mode that can be of big use is called RelWithDebugInfo . There is a perfect explanation for it on the mailing list : The difference between Debug and RelwithDebInfo is that RelwithDebInfo is quite similar to Release mode. It produces fully optimised code, but also builds the program database, and in...