In the part 1 of the article I've used scripts to generate bulk load file with LOAD instructions. But that approach has several drawbacks: existing files are not overwritten; hard to track the progress of long-term operation in case of huge number of files. I've written a better script to solve those issues. Bash script for loading files The following Linux Bash script uploads files one by one using separate LOAD instructions . Also it tries to remove the file first using DROP DOCUMENT instruction . As a result, existing files are overwritten. After each 100 of files being loaded, you get a message with a timestamp. It helps to predict the end time of the operation. #!/bin/bash # This function writes a status message to both stdout and $OUTPUT_FILE function print_status { echo ">>> Loaded $counter files, time: `date`" | tee -a $OUTPUT_FILE } OUTPUT_FILE=load_files.log COLLECTION_NAME=legacyBasicTypes echo "" > $OUTPUT_FILE counter=0...